
What to Pack When You Are Traveling

The idea of traveling is always an exciting one, now more than ever as we slowly begin to feel more comfortable with the idea...

7 Reasons Why Traveling Is a Great Form of Education

by Ray Campbell They often say that real education happens outside the classroom. However, in what forms does it...
tips to travel safely

11 Tips to Help You Travel Safely

When we all begin traveling again, are you ready to travel safely? We’re not only referring to staying safe from Covid19 or any of...

Planning a Wellness Vacation or Wellness Retreat With Intention

When planning a Wellness Vacation or Wellness Retreat and sifting through the growing number of options available today, it's important to give some thought...
Kamalaya Thailand

Why All Women Should Travel Solo At Least Once

by Laura May For a long time, hearing about a woman traveling solo generally made people think that it was down to a lack of...

Travel Tips to Help Manage Jet Lag

Jet lag happens when a body's inner clock falls out of sync with the daily cycle of light, food and sleep. Here are a...

Tips and Advice for Planning an Extended Road Trip

Thinking of a fall road trip? After a year of planning, over 9,942 miles (16,000 Km) of driving, 58 days away from home, and...
Rob Squire photos morocco

Picture Perfect: Morocco

by Rob Squire Ahhh Morocco.  One’s imagination lights up with so many images. Cassablanca, Marrakesh, the Sahara Desert, Arabian Nights, Bogart, magic lanterns and flying carpets. ...

Wellness Tips to Stay Healthy while Traveling

Photos by TFILM Traveling to new and exotic locations is often filled with excitement and the splendor of indulging in new experiences. But, it can also...

Tips for Staying Healthy When you Fly

by Anne Dimon How does one stay healthy when flying, especially on “long haul” flights? Dr. Nayana Suchak, family doctor with Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital...

Wellness Retreat & Vacation Options

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