Simple Daily Mindfulness Practices That Make a Powerful Impact
Being mindful and implementing more conscious moments throughout your day allows you to feel genuine gratitude and presence, which in turn allows you to...
How Movement Can Help Chronic Pain
by Lily Eslahjou Were you ever told to stop exercising or to avoid ‘moving’ a certain way in order to avoid pain? Truth is,...
5 Ways To Enjoy Raw Watercress
Here are our top five ways to enjoy raw watercress: 1. Like a little bite to your green salad? Mix watercress with baby arugula...
What Is Your Tongue Trying to Tell You About Your Health?
Chinese medicine has always paid close attention to the external apprearance and behavior of a person. With thousands of years of experience behind this...
7 Healthy Foodie Things To Do This Fall
The list that tells you the top 100 foodie things to do before you die. While dining on a 16-course meal at a 3-star...
Three things you can do right now to feel calm
By Ana Lilia 2020 has been a very stressful and overwhelming year for everyone. From the disruption of our “normal life” activities to the concerns...
The Art of Chilling Out for Women
If you’re feeling overworked, anxious and even a bit burned out, we have a book for you! Published...
Enhancing Mental Health with Yoga
Having lived through and survived a pandemic, we may never look at our general health the same way. While many of us think that...
Pritikin Reveals Four Truths About Diets
When it comes to diets, we’ve all fallen victim to the plethora of trendy diets available out there on the Internet and elsewhere. Enticing...
Tips on Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
by Nina Smiley "Getting a good night's sleep" is often our last goal of the day as lights go...