Travel To Wellness

Global Health Passport Could Assist in Medical Emergencies

global health passport, medical emergencies

Global Health Passport is a new-to-market product that could very well make the difference between life and death for travelers who find themselves in a medical emergency.

You are on a trip in a foreign country where you do not speak the language. There is a medical emergency but no one in your party speaks the local language fluently enough to communicate effectively with local medical personnel.

Enter Global Health Passport. According to the founder George Ciporkin – a medical physician and dentist, brings years of training and clinical experience in both medicine and dentistry into the series’ design. Dr. Ciporkin, who has traveled, lived abroad and has studied several foreign languages, realized there was a critical international need for the Global Health Passport while on vacation in Fortaleza, Brazil.

“The need to quickly communicate effectively during a medical emergency is crucial not only in getting medical help and intervention in a timely manner, but also in order to decrease the possibilities of medical errors and misdiagnoses due to a language barrier.” He adds that even if one happens to be fluent in the foreign language, the person is most likely not fluent with the medical terminology.

The passport-sized and bound booklets are designed to provide concise, but thorough personalized medical or dental information with each entry provided in English and in a corresponding secondary language.

Right now only English/Spanish and English/Portuguese booklets are available for a single order, but English/Simplified Chinese (applicable for those traveling to Mainland China), English/French, and English/Arabic are in the works as are multiple other foreign languages.

You’ll find more info and can order directly from Global Health Passport  

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