Travel To Wellness

How Journaling Can Help Create a Sense of Wellbeing

Journal writing, or just journaling (as it is most often referred to), is gaining more popularity these days. It’s not really that surprising considering how the pandemic has really shaken up a lot of our day-to-day activities. It is so unprecedented that even after a year into this challenging health dilemma, many are still adjusting to what is regarded as “the new normal.” So when you are feeling like it’s just too much, which is totally fine to acknowledge by the way, you have your trusty pen and paper to turn to.


So what is journaling? To journal is to express your thoughts by writing them down. And it is a personal activity that is more suitable now as we navigate the challenges of this worldwide health crisis.

Why journaling is good amid the pandemic

It can be easier now to get upset by the news or be overturned about the uncertainty that the pandemic brings. And this swirl of emotions can be so exhausting and mentally draining. So how does journaling help? 

More than just writing down thoughts, journaling benefits us in helping maintain our sense of wellbeing. With all the hustles and bustles brought about by this health crisis, stress and anxiety could get in the way from time to time. So yes, having a journal can help us keep mentally healthy.

Other reasons why journaling is good for your well-being:

Journaling is an effective reliever of stress

When we are feeling overwhelmed, one of the best ways to do is to slow down and unload some of what’s keeping our brains occupied. Jotting down notes on all those anxieties and tensions can help ease our minds. Consider your journal as a friend who can listen to you without judgment. Actually, keeping a journal is now considered an effective way of managing stress.

Journaling can help sharper memory

Not only do you get to unpack and unload your thoughts, but writing is also a mental exercise! One of the most amazing journaling benefits. There is a higher chance of retaining the information you write down. Several studies have also been dedicated to determining the link between writing and improved memory or cognitive ability. Along with our bodies, our minds, too, need exercise. Always remember that.

Journaling can improve management of emotions 

When you write down your thoughts, you somehow organize them. Then, you’d are more aware of how you are actually feeling. You can process your emotions and when you do, you can be more in control rather than being controlled by those emotions. So if you want to determine how you actually feel, try writing those feelings down. You could even discover some bottled-up emotions, that you are not currently aware of. With this activity and as you practice understanding your emotions, you could also become more patient and understanding of others. When you’re able to handle your emotions better, you could also cope better when depression lurks, and maybe even help others cope with it, too!

Journaling can help put you in a better mood

Cranky all the time lately? Well, maybe you just need to lighten up. Easier said than done, but easiest when written down. When you have a better grasp of your thoughts, you can have improved management of your emotions. In turn, you get better control over how you react when met with unexpected situations. It’s because you now have a wider perspective. So jot down what’s on your mind to better understand yourself.

Journaling is a relaxing activity

If you think that journaling is another chore, think again! It is actually a calming activity that is also very personal. You can tailor it to how you like (bullet journalling or even doodling your thoughts. Why not?). You can make it more… YOU. There is no external pressure, no need to follow grammar rules, and no teachers to grade it. No judgement from anyone really. You can be creative and expressive in your own way.  When you begin, you just can’t help but pour your heart out–the most real you. So amid your busy schedule, try to squeeze in journaling for your very own “me-time.”


The above are just a few of the many journaling benefits that keep people hooked. But if you are still finding it hard to begin, remember not to pressure or intimidate yourself. You will eventually find momentum, you just have to make a plan to and get started. Simply put pen to paper and do it.  And we suggest you keep your trusty notebook with you (or a personal blog, or a notes app on your mobile ) so you can write anytime you want to. So don’t let the stress and uncertainty overpower you, even amid the pandemic. Journaling can be the just what you were looking for. 


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