Travel To Wellness

What Do Your Eyes Say About Your Health?

By Alexi Bracey

The science of Iridology has been around since the mid 1800s when a young boy tending to an owl with a broken wing noticed a brown fleck in the bird’s eye. Twenty years later, another broken-winged owl was found with a brown fleck in the same location. Could there be a correlation? Iridology was born.

Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris (the coloured part) of the eye. Analysis by a qualified practitioner can result in the identify of areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body, often before physical symptoms appear.

An iridology analysis will reveal a good constitution or a poor one depending on “the tighness of the weave of the iris fibres” (think of it a tightly knit sweater verses a doily). Iridology also reveals sites of over-activity, irritation, injury (past or current) degeneration of tissues and organs, stress levels, a slow lymphatic system and a sluggish colon (also known as auto-toxicity), to name just a few.

Iridology cannot diagnose a disease, but can provides information about body tissues which indicate tendencies towards conditions of disease or inflammation. Additionally, Iridology will not reveal a pregnancy, cancer, gallstones or parasites. In Germany, an iridologist is called in to a hospital’s emergency room when an unconscious patient is brought in. The iridologist can identify the organ, system or function that is in distress.

Western doctors usually can’t diagnose until the game is in full swing or, in other words, until you actually have a disease. Iridology, on the other hand, can call a play in the first inning. It’s called preventative medicine. And, there is every indication that prevention will play an increasingly major role in our future health and well-being.

Alexi Bracey is a wellness professional.

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