Travel To Wellness

What is Contrast Bathing and Why is it So Popular?

By Dr. Marcus Coplin   

What is Contrast Bathing? This is a question that we often hear. Yes, the concept of healing through water is as old as humanity. Even so, within the last few years, the incredible growth in popularity of this health and well-being practice has been remarkable. From hot spring bathing to saunas, to cold plunges and more, the tangible results of hydrothermal therapy have earned some much-deserved acclaim.  But what is Contrast Bathing?

Photos courtesy of Pagosa Hot Springs Resort

Hydrothermal therapy is a broad term encompassing any therapy that uses water and temperature to create an effect. These practices, steeped in ritual and cultural heritage, are now backed by science. Amongst the variety of applications available, there is one practice that I have found to be particularly beneficial: Contrast Bathing. I have been practicing integrative medicine for over 15 years – with a specialty in the treatment of chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, and oncology support, and in all that time, the inclusion of Contrast Bathing therapy has been central to the positive outcomes I have witnessed. 

Contrast Bathing involves alternating between hot and cold water immersions. This simple practice triggers a sophisticated response in the body. As you move between these temperature extremes, your body strives to maintain a physiologically optimal state. This ‘healthy stress,’ known as hormesis, stimulates healthy adaptations all the way to the cellular level. 

One typical Contrast Bathing Cycle would start with a hot soak (101-104°F) for 10-15 minutes and followed by a cold plunge (64°F or colder) for 30-180 seconds. It’s essential to listen to your body and adjust the times and temperatures accordingly. One thing people often get wrong when starting this practice is assuming more extreme is better. This is not the case. You want to find your body’s comfort zone and push just a little beyond it.

With time, you will find that you can tolerate more extreme temperature ranges for longer periods.

Contrast Bathing sets into motion a variety of activities that have a positive benefit on our health. From improving circulation to normalizing blood pressure, balancing hormonal signals, easing accumulated mental stress, easing muscle tension, protecting joint cartilage, regulating immune function, reducing inflammation, enhancing tissue waste elimination, improving metabolic function, and the list goes on.

I have the privilege of being the Medical Director for two incredible hot springs-based wellness resorts: The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and Murrieta Hot Springs Resort in Murrieta, California. With both of these resorts, we can harness the health-promoting elements within the naturally flowing geothermal mineral water, as well as provide a variety of temperature experiences so guests can mix and match to find their ideal contrast cycle. We build a lot of education into the passive experience of our guests. Little cues are peppered throughout the guest journey, and if we are doing it right, guests don’t even realize they are learning about how to care for themselves as they find their own pathway to well-being just by exploring and having fun. For guests who want to delve deeper into the science of Balneology – which is the study of bathing in therapeutic mineral waters – we have educational pamphlets and key signage that discuss the different temperatures and how they have been classically prescribed as well as some of the researched benefits of the components of mineral waters. 

However, for most guests, we encourage them to listen to their bodies, hydrate, rest and not overdo it.  Probably our most famous feature at the resorts is our guided contrast plunges. Our guests are guided in specific techniques and fortified with the knowledge of how to get the most from a Contrast Bathing circuit based on their body’s own signals. Between the two resorts in the last six months, we have had over 20,000 guests take part in our guided Vitality Plunge, most of whom had never taken a cold plunge before!

For anyone looking to enhance their well-being or promote the systems of health within their body, implementing regular Contrast Bathing not only has the potential to generate direct benefits, but also enhance other lifestyle-based practices such as diet, exercise, and good sleep. If you are looking for a focused and intensive but relaxed way to see how contrast bathing will benefit you – come visit us at The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and Murrieta Hot Springs Resort in Murrieta, California.

Here’s info on Thalasso Therapy

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Dr. Marcus Coplin is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor, and Medical Director for The Springs Resort in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and Murrieta Hot Springs Resort in Murrieta, California.

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