Travel To Wellness

Zuppa di Ceci (Tuscan Chickpea Soup)

Courtesy of Gilda Carbonaro, author of A Tiny Kitchen in Florence: Coping by Cooking during the 2020 Pandemic, this soup has a smooth texture interspersed with the softly cooked chickpeas, carrots, kale, potato, fennel and spices that combine to give you the feeling of a farmhouse meal somewhere in Tuscany, Italy.



Tuscan Chick Pea Soup

  1. Soak dried chickpeas in water overnight. The next day, strain them, rinse them, and bring them to a boil in plenty of water, about 2.5 liters (10 cups). Add one unpeeled clove of garlic. Boil gently for at least 2 hours, or until the chick peas are completely soft. Add salt. Take about a cup out and put it in the blender, then return the blended chickpeas to your soup pot and continue cooking at low heat for another 10 minutes.
  2. Brown the carrot, garlic, fennel, kale, potato, rosemary and sage in the olive oil for about 10 minutes at medium heat.
  3. Throw all the browned vegetables this into the pot of chickpeas. Add water, if necessary, and continue to cook at a low heat for another 30 minutes until all flavors have blended.

Grind pepper over every served plate. Serves 6.

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