The Travel to Wellness team is here to assist!
Are you or your group of friends or business associates looking for a Wellness Retreat or wanting to plan a Wellness Vacation? We’ve been traveling the world covering the spa and wellness scene since 2004, and would be happy to offer a few suggestions based on your needs, budget and special interests.
Our new Travel to Wellness Concierge service is a complimentary perk for members of the Travel to Wellness community! Wellness Travel Concierge Andrea Elizabeth Dragosits is a Certified Travel Consultant who has spent the last 15 years in the travel industry. She has visited over 30 countries worldwide and, as our new Travel to Wellness Concierge, is available to help YOU find the right destination in both mindset and location. So, if you need a few tips and advice on planning your next wellness vacation or finding the perfect wellness retreat, contact us at and we’ll make sure Andrea or another member of the team gets back to you asap. This is a complimentary service for members of the Travel to Wellness community! If you are not yet a member, we invite you to join us. Sign me up to receive monthly updates.