tips for long haul flights

10 Tips for Staying Healthy and Comfortable on Long-Haul Flights

by Mia Barnes Long-haul flights can be exciting when you’re heading to a dream destination, but those hours in...

Airport Assistance for Wellness Travel

Airport assistance can certainly enhance Wellness Travel. As defined by the Wellness Tourism Association Wellness Travel is “Travel that allows the...
What is Ecotourism Nelson's Dockyard National Park

What is Ecotourism? Why it Matters and How you can Participate.

by Mia Barnes,  While travel is good for a destination’s local economy and, for the traveler, the thrill of...

Two Great Ways to Incorporate Music Into Your Travels (and the Benefits of Doing...

Let's face it, traveling can be boring and tedious at times, especially if you're on a long flight or stuck in a...
yoga machu picchu with butterfield & robinson

Six Tips to Make the Most of Your Next Vacation

When you intend to take a vacation, you are filled with the thoughts of being active and out in nature or putting...

Digital Nomad Starter Pack for 2023

As work-from-home arrangements have been a constant trend for the past three years, people have fallen in love with the idea of...

Three Places to Visit in Israel   

by Bernadine Racoma Israel is a very underappreciated tourist destination. It has a rich culture but also cities sitting...
things to do to reduce stress of travel

Tips to Make Your Next Trip Less Stressful

Traveling can be a lot of fun but in many cases can also be quite stressful. Between making sure you have all...

7 Reasons Why Traveling Is a Great Form of Education

by Ray Campbell They often say that real education happens outside the classroom. However, in what forms does it...
healthy foods to eat while traveling

12 Best Foods to Eat to Stay in Shape While Traveling

by Nathan Lloyd Summertime and travel are synonymous for many of us. Just because you want to have a good time traveling doesn’t mean your...

Wellness Retreat & Vacation Options

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