Whether it’s camping or backpacking, spending a couple of days in the outdoors can not only be an adventure but an excellent way to clear your mind, relax and enjoy nature without all the things surrounding you in the city. We know that can be overwhelming at times, and getting away from the buzz is always welcome.
The thing is when you’re preparing for an outdoor adventure, having the wrong gear and not being physically prepared can have disastrous results, and in the best-case scenario, you’ll be left with a bitter taste in your mouth, not knowing whether it’s something you want to do again.
Well, we’ve got you covered, and we’ll go over a couple of tips that should make things a lot easier for you and should give you a general idea of what you want to bring in terms of gear, and what you should focus on in terms of physical preparedness. Outdoor adventure here we come!
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Gear Should Be Lightweight and Efficient
The one thing people fail to consider when packing for an outdoor adventure is that they will actually need to carry all that gear until they reach their destination. Here, lightweight and compact is king, and this applies to every piece of gear.
The most important thing to get is a quality tent. We recommend lightweight tents for backpacking which come in different capacities – just pick the most suitable one for you. The key is that they pack really small and weigh very little, so you can have them in or on your backpack without them being cumbersome and causing too much trouble.
Next up is the sleeping bag. You can choose between a down-filled or a synthetic one, with the former being a more premium pick that’s lighter and overall better quality, and the latter being a more affordable alternative that also performs a bit better in wet environments. Which one you go for is up to you, and a big factor is what kind of environment you’ll be using it in and how much you’re willing to spend.
Last but not least, consider the actual backpack you will be taking. It should do two things well. One, it should be able to fit everything you’re planning on taking, and two, it should have a good weight distribution. Pressure points in a backpack can become a major nuisance after hiking a couple of miles, so it’s something you should avoid at all costs.
There are a couple of other smaller items you might want to consider, too, and a backpacking checklist should help you take care of that as well.
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You Should Be Physically Prepared
When you’re going on a trip where you will be carrying a backpack for miles, and you’ll still need to set everything up once you reach your destination. You would be surprised at how many people underestimate that and go out unprepared. This is why most experienced campers will advise you to start off with a smaller distance because it will allow you to get your feet wet without getting annoyed within a mile or two of hiking. If your outdoor adventure is kayaking here are five top places to kayak in the U.S.
But regardless of the distance, you should certainly make sure your fitness is kept in check. If you have a workout routine already, that’s great, but if you don’t, you should start on one as soon as possible. The key is to start things off with stretches and overall body mobility exercises. These are the things that will get your blood flowing and will help you with movement, something you will definitely need a lot of on an outdoor adventure.
And here’s another piece of advice – try to implement breathing exercises in your workout routine. Short term, they help relieve stress, but long term, they will significantly help with your lung capacity and you won’t be out of breath after the first couple hundred yards.
Plan Things Out
Last but not least, planning goes a long way towards everything going as smoothly as possible. It will help you prepare for anything that might happen, and will make sure you have a good understanding of what you’re getting yourself into.
Here’s a suggestion for you – rather than picking the destination first, pick the dates. The time of year will limit the destinations you have available, so unless you are very versatile and can go at any moment, picking the dates first is a good idea.
Then, choose the destination out of the ones you have available, and see whether it works for you and whether you like it. Check the weather for the destination, and pack the suitable gear for the trip.
Last but not least, pick a trail that’s beginner-friendly if it’s your first time – it’s always better to underestimate yourself than overestimate yourself, and you’ll have a lot more fun if you have plenty of energy to spare.
Should you decide that a hotel or resort is a better fit for your outdoor adventure, here is a list of hotels and resorts up close to nature