12 Ways to Lose Weight When Traveling

1. List, in writing, every reason you have for wanting to lose weight. Take this list with you on the trip and read it...

6 Rules For Planning A Wellness Vacation

by Anne Dimon A Wellness Vacation is Wellness Travel powered by intention, so once you’ve set your intention or goal (for instance, kick start a...

Five Great Tips to Reduce Travel Stress if You’re an Anxious Flyer

By Helen Goldstein I am one of those people who don’t believe that humans are supposed to fly. I am not at ease thousands of...
Kiersten Marie Brown, yoga enhancing travel

How practicing yoga can enhance your travel experience

Taking up yoga now during this time of social distancing may actually help enhance our travels once this global crises has been resolved and...

Top 10 Health Travel Must-Have’s From Ziva Meditation

by Emily Fletcher As a meditation teacher who teaches people how to quietly sit in a chair for a living, I...
Frigate Bird Sanctuary, Barbuda

What is Wellness Travel?

Here at Travel to Wellness we have seen the concept of Wellness Travel change and develop since we launched way back in 2004 as...

Questions and Considerations When Planning a Wellness Vacation or Wellness Retreat

by Anne Dimon Once this global crises is resolved, lockdowns are lifted and we are all able to travel again, we are confident that Wellness...
Mykonos, Greece

Where To Stay on Mykonos, Greece  

If you’re dreaming about a wellness vacation, there’s a good chance that you’re fantasizing about crystal blue waters and soft sand beaches. If this...

5 Tips for Stress Free Travel

by Nancy Shapiro "When you feel overwhelmed, you're trying too hard." ~ Thich Nhat Hanh Like pushing the proverbial stone up the mountain only to...
Planning a wellness vacation

How to Plan a Vacation that Boosts Your Wellbeing

Story and photos by Sahara Rose De Vore National Plan a Vacation Day or not, unless you are a travel expert, planning a vacation can...

Wellness Retreat & Vacation Options

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