Skin Care Tips from Four Seasons Spa Director

by Eleni Tzotzis,
Photo courtesy of
Verena Lasvigne-Fox has glowing, flawless skin. As Senior Spa Director at the Four Seasons George V in Paris, she’s an expert in skin care. Wait a minute. It’s not what you might be thinking. Sure, the Spa’s high-end product lines—Carita, Sodashi and Swiss Perfection make us screech with delight. Their pure mention evokes luxury, yet they don’t miraculously erase all signs of aging. Nor does the exhilarating Hydrating Polynesian Lagoon Water Facial hold any magical powers. Although it can temporarily make you feel and look radiant (highly recommended for a true Parisian spa experience – the best you’ll ever have). What really makes a difference is what we do each day to respect our body, including our greatest organ – our skin.
 Living a wellness lifestyle is often synonymous with radiant skin. Verena is proof of this.
Here are Verena Lasvigne-Fox’s top 10 secrets for radiant skin:
1. Drink lots of still, room temperature water.
2. Remove your make-up each evening. Never ever go to bed not having cleansed your skin.
3. Deep clean your skin at home by applying a mask 2-3 times per week.
4. Embrace a healthy work-life balance. Don’t be a workaholic. It will show on your skin.
5. Engage in some type of physical activity – sport or fitness.
6. Eat a healthy diet. This of course does not mean ‘dieting’ all the time. Be reasonable with food quantity and frequency.
7. Get some fresh air everyday. Take the time to go for a walk.
8. Enjoy music—it relaxes, inspires, stimulates, makes dreaming possible.
9. Moderation is the key. Avoid extremes. Extremes unbalance us.
10. Consistency – it’s critical to a long-term beauty strategy. Cosmetics don’t work miracles. We can only fight aging, if we regularly take care of our faces and our bodies not only on the surface but from the inside out.