Following the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s announcement that 2018 is The Year of Wellness and Rejuvenation in the Caribbean, The Turks & Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) in partnership with Caribbean Wellness & Education (WE) is presenting the first TIC Wellness Week launching January 20 in the capital of Providenciales.
Launch day activities include meditation, yoga, health screens by Turks & Caicos National Health, activities for children, a fashion show, local music and “giving back” opportunities.
TCHTA members will go on to host special wellness activities and offerings throughout the week.
Quoted in a news release, Stacy Cox, President of the TCHTA said, “Following an intense few months of weathering storms and rebuilding, many of our residents still find themselves impacted by the storms. With our Wellness Week, we will bring together tourists and residents in our first voluntourism experience.”
The event will also encourage tourists to ‘Pack for a Purpose’ to support the island’s children and schools. Founder of WE Stephanie Rest, who lived in the Turks & Caicos Islands for four years and has been working with schools as a Kiwanian of the Providenciales Chapter for six years, says “This is an opportunity to make a positive difference for people, business and the planet.”
Committed to the region, Rest was recently appointed as the Caribbean Regional Director for the “Global Mentorship Program” and also serves as the Vice-chair to the ‘Global Wellness for Children Initiative’ for the Global Wellness Institute. She is beginning her 3rd term as the Caribbean Ambassador of Global Wellness Day, celebrated by over 100 countries.
“Our hope is that this model will be one that we can easily replicated for all the islands,” said Rest, “In-combining tourism with a humanitarian return, we are creating transformational travel experiences and that ripple effect will have a profound impact on our region.”