Good read for little travelers

We all have a superpowerby Anne Dimon

If you’re a parent or grandparent who has traveled with little ones in tow, you know the importance of keeping them entertained on the road, at the airport, in flight and pretty much everywhere else.

If they like being read to,   consider the newly released We All Have A Superpower. I recently read the soft cover, 36-page book to my grand kids – ages 3 and 5 – and then the three of us discussed what we each felt was own individual superpower. It’s a great way to bond and share, and allows kids to open up and speak about themselves in a positive way.

Written and illustrated by New Jersey-based mom of two, Kristina Elliot, We All Have A Superpower is her first children’s book. Quoted in a news release, she says, “In a society that worships popularity and personal appearance, too many kids today just don’t know where they fit in. They don’t realize that regardless of their limitations, they all have the potential to be or do something great.”

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Anne Dimon is the founder/editor of Travel to Wellness and co-founder/president of the Wellness Tourism Association