As the holidays approach and we look to maintain our serenity and calm in a traditionally stressful time of year, four wellness professional offer wellness travel advice for keeping your cool on the road:

Use your own body weight for a workout: “This addresses two big parameters of fitness for compliance; safety and accessibility. These workouts can be done almost anywhere and go back to an ‘old school’ way of training. When you’re in your hotel room, clear out some space on the floor and spend 10-15 minutes doing pushups, burpees, squats, lunges and dips mixed in with jump roping.” -Craig Cristello, exercise physiologist at Well & Being at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess
Try calming breathing exercises: “When you are really overwhelmed and stressed out it helps to place your hand over your heart or over your solar plexus and be calm. This power of touch helps reconnect you to yourself and remind you of the importance stillness.” Emily Heim, intentional living specialist at The Spa at Red Rock by Well & Being.
Have a mindful commute: “Project yourself forward to the end of your morning, end of a meeting or the whole day. Ask yourself, ‘how do I want to feel,’ and set a positive intention that will help you achieve this feeling. To achieve positive thinking while commuting, recite uplifting mantras, such as: ‘Today, I will choose to be generous and kind,’ ‘I will breathe deeply and connect to compassion before I enter the room,’ or ‘Today I will say less to understand more.” -Laura Coburn, director of serenity at the Inns of Aurora.
Stay hydrated: “Drinking too much coffee and alcohol without enough water and can dry out the skin and cause wrinkled skin. For every cup of ‘joe’ and every Mojito you enjoy on the road, be sure to balance it with a glass of H20!” -Alina Cimpoeru, lead esthetician at The Guerlain Spa at The Plaza Hotel