Top 10 Foods That Will Help You Sleep Better

When you're lying awake in the middle of the night, surrounded by slumbering sounds, it doesn't really help to know that you're in good...

Are Facials Worth It?

Are facials worth it? New York Times has dermatologists and estheticians throwing verbal punches. Several years ago, the New York Times ran an article titled An Expression of Doubt About...

13 Holistic Nutrition Tips for Health & Beauty

Here are 13 holistic nutrition tips for maximum health and beauty. Contributed by Elizabeth Kleiman, Medical Aesthetics Nutritionist, SpaMedica in Toronto Do not skip meals...
yoga poses, better sleep

Four Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep Better

by Sarah Cummings Are you trying to find something to help you get  better sleep at night? Consider yoga. Yoga has been around for centuries....

Why Are Spas Good For Our Health?

By Dr. Shamira Hudda As we embrace a 'wellness-lifestyle' - one that focuses on healthy living and prevention, the concept of ‘balance' or ‘re-connection' between...
Travis Eliot

Four Wellness Living Tips from Travis Eliot

by Travis Eliot Life is very busy. Many of us are juggling careers, relationships, families, hobbies, errands, school studies and much more. We are also...

Top 3 Myths About Fat

Why is it that we are obsessed with dietary fat?  Unlike our European neighbours we either avoid it like the pneumonic plague, or we...

Why Is Breakfast So Important?

What's your morning routine like? Does it include breakfast? Or, do you talk yourself out of it? According to Statistics Canada, 10% of Canadians skip...

5 Easy Ways to Clear Your Space and Balance Your Life

Clearing our spaces frees us to experience more of who we truly are. Clearing any thing or thought releases stuck energy and opens the...

Antioxidant Rich Summer Foods

by Eleni Tzotzis Antioxidants are in the foods we adore. They naturally make us feel good. Have you held a pint of fresh, perfectly ripe,...

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